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Interested in becoming a NO Days Featured Artist?

Want to share your artwork made using NO Days products with the world? We want to help you promote your work! We love seeing the various ways artists are using NO Days products! We share our Featured Artist spotlight with our newsletter subscribers, our Facebook friends and fans, on our Featured Artist Page and right here on our blog, linking back to your website.

Simply send an email to with the subject: Featured Artist. Be sure to include your name, email address, and website (if you have one) along with a brief bio and pictures of yourself and your artwork made with NO Days Products. Not sure what to include in a bio? Tell us how you became interested in playing with glass or crafts. How about where you get your inspiration? Oh! And don't forget to tell us why you love using NO Days!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Q&A Monday ~ No Days Groutless Mosaic Birdbath

I wanted to line the bottom of a bird bath with your product (No Days Groutless Mosaic Adhesive).  Saves grouting.  Will it hold up outside if I bring it in the winter and only use when weather is warm?  I live in Maryland, so we don't get too many really cold days.

Hi, S ~

I've started on my sample piece. Worked on it a lot yesterday and plan to finish it today or tomorrow.I've attached the in progress picture of my birdbath on a hypertufa cement base. If you'd like to see pictures of the progress I made yesterday and the order in which I place the tiles, you can see them on our Instagram page: or scroll down to the bottom of this post for the photo montage.
No Days Groutless birdbath on progress

Also, I heard back from Brad. He says,"The adhesive is insoluble in water so it will hold up.    The birdbath is a great example to show on Facebook to illustrate that the adhesive will withstand being installed in an underwater environment.   Being able to withstand water is also applicable to the No Days Mosaic Mesh, No Days Mosaic Adhesive Film, No Days Bailbond, No Days Glaze and HoneyDoo Zuper Glue."
Hope this helps, and let me know if you need any assistance with your birdbath :)

Also, I'd love to see pictures when you've finished!

Hi, Carrie ~

I am so thrilled that you would take time out of your busy day to work on the birdbath!!

I sculpted my birdbath with clay and have been thinking (for a few years) how I would like to finish it.  Once I get supplies and get started, I will be back in touch.  I also try to do decorative painting, sew bears for Newborns in Need and some crocheting and beading.  I can't seem to stay with one thing.  I have found that my painting overlaps onto my sculpting and so I am anxious to do the glass.  I got the cutter, glass, etc ready to go, just was hesitant to do the grouting since I had done some stepping stones where the glass moved.

I will keep in touch.
Thank you,

Good luck, S! Again don't hesitate to ask if you run into questions:)
I am with you as far as multiple techniques are concerned. I love when you can combine all your loves together. You sound well-rounded ;)

Carrie, new question.  I want to order some products.  How did you line the bird bath?  Did you put down the groutless base?  Did you use the adhesive to glue the tiles on so they don't fall.
No Days Groutless Mosaic Birdbath

What do you suggest I purchase to get started since I have never seen any of the products and should I buy it from the company?  I don't want to waste money in the beginning.  Maybe later I can accumulate more of their products.
Thanks, S

Hi, S~

With all of your hobbies, you probably already have a heat gun or embossing heat tool? That's how you heat set the adhesive. I will warn you that working 3D with the adhesive is a little tricky. You have to work in small sections. Here's a video that shows some 3D pieces being worked on with the No Days Mosaic Adhesive:

And here's a video that is an introduction to the Groutless Mosaic Adhesive, which is what I used:

The 3D video shows taping the beginning pieces in place, but I just let them cool down and add more, using gravity to my advantage. After laying down the initial strip (only 5 or 6 tiles) and letting them cool, I turned the stone bowl and added another short segment and then heat set them. After they cooled, I rotated the bowl again and added the next 5 or 6 tiles, until I got back to the beginning. After that first row, I added a few rows of tile at a time. I started on the outside of my bowl because the center was optically off on my homemade bowl. It may be easier to start in the flat bottom area and then slowly work your way up the sides.

Photo collage that shows the steps in building the mosaic birdbath
using No Days Groutless Mosaic Adhesive on a hypertufa base.
 In some areas, I doubled up the adhesive under the tiles, because my bowl is porous. When, heating the adhesive, it tends to pull together before it spreads out again, so you need to really heat it and "paint" it around with the tiles. My bowl is about 14" or more across, and the last picture I sent was a little less than the whole 12" roll of black Groutless Mosaic Adhesive. There are areas of the tile that are covered with some groutless. You can leave them as is, or the adhesive scrapes off with a razor (or fingernail if it's still slightly warm). ADDITION: I also found out that after the mosaic cools, that the excess adhesive can be washed off with a garden hose and spray nozzle. Quick and easy! I had one tile that popped off, and that was because I didn't heat it long enough to properly adhere to the cement base.
Oh, and I use a pair of long tweezers (~6" or so) that helps to push on the tiles while they're hot.
So, the only materials that you'll need are glass tiles (I cut mine to 3/8" and 5/16" and 1/8" just to have a variety of sizes), Groutless Mosaic Adhesive, heat gun or embossing heat tool, tweezers, and scissors to cut the adhesive. That should be it!
Here are written directions for a micro mosaic project I did with the Groutless:
Good luck!
I'd love to see pictures of your birdbath when you get around to it:)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Oops! Now what?!? Working with frit and No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive

"Embroidered Dogwood" fused glass plate created with frit,
Glassline paints and No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive.
The creation of this plate is an epic tale. So grab your preferred beverage, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Clear fusible glass base with painted trace lines done with
Glassline paints.

In the beginning, there was a circle of clear glass and some glassline paints to outline the design...I've been working on a series of floral themed platters. Some of them are very realistic looking, but mostly, I lean towards abstract and lots of color. My aim for this particular plate was to make it look geometric with a sense of needlework. After tracing the outlines of my design from a template to the clear glass base and letting the paints dry (10-15 minutes), I was ready to add details and color with various frits.

Building frit design from the center outward over the
dried paints. Frit is held firmly in place with
No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive.
When I'm using frits, the size grain that I use depends upon the outcome I'm going for. When adding fine detail lines, I use fine frit (size F2 in System 96 or size 01 in Bullseye). The fine frit allows me to create highly detailed imagery. It is also easy to sculpt with the No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive. If I have larger areas of my design to fill in, I'll switch to medium or coarse frit sizes and often blend colors, as well as mixing opals with cathedrals. Once I've got my design established, I find a good starting point in the center-ish. This makes it easier to work on your piece without brushing your arms across your design.

Detailed frit designs are added in a circular motion building outward.
I lay down a bit of No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive, then cover it with frits. I sculpt the frits into the shape I want them to be. It's easiest to work from the inside out (in this case).  By starting in one spot and then working next to it, you've got a wall of frit to support each new addition. I decided to experiment with adding some coarse frit accents in areas (to mimic the knotted stitches in embroidery), and then covering them with fine frit. Here, we're viewing the plate from what will be the front side when the plate is finished. It's helpful to have a mirror to work on, then you can see what the front side of the plate looks like as you're working without having to lift the plate overhead.

Checking the progress, looking up at the underside.
If you build on a mirror, you can check your progress as you work.
Although there are no trace lines outside of the flower in the center, I wanted to continue building in a pattern around the edges. Each new color got placed and sculpted until I reached the edge...

The design is nearly finished! And then...
Super close to being finished, and can you believe that it still hasn't occurred to me that I'm working with "enemies"? Wait, what?!?

A picture of the finished frit design before firing in the kiln to
burn off the adhesive and save my design...hopefully.
Yea! It's all finished, and about this time I realize that I've used a piece of 90 COE clear base with 96 COE frits. This is one of those projects that sat in my studio for a few months after being painted before I was able to get to it and add frits. A great lesson in keeping an extremely well organized studio if you plan on firing glass in the kiln. Either stick with one kind of compatible glass, or segregate your pieces from step one! 
So, now I'm left with a beautiful mosaic platter. I could have left it glued together as a flat piece and the No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive would keep it glued together for good. But, that's not the intention I had when creating this plate, so it's time to trouble shoot. And, admittedly, that's one of the great pulls that fused glass holds over me. I love problem solving and understanding the whys behind the process. So, time to experiment...

First attempt to burn off the adhesive...obviously failed.
Getting to know No Days... The picture above shows the results of my poor plate going into the kiln after the first attempt at burning off the adhesive. 

The firing schedule follows:
300ºF per hour600ºF1.30

NOTE: All following firing schedules will have the above layout, with the first column being degrees per hour (in ºF), the second column is the target temperature in ºF, and the third column is the hold time: hours.minutes).

Obviously the adhesive did not fully burn out. The frit is still stuck firmly to the plate and has not dropped to the kiln shelf. Looks "carmelized." Yum.

Detail of caramelized glass...Frit is still stuck in place! the adhesive really holds! Let's see what a second burnout attempt looks like...

Second burnout attempt.

I left the kiln vented for the entire firing so I could observe what was happening. [Also, my studio is in the garage next to a window that I can open for ventilation. I always recommend trying to keep your kiln in a space that is not a living space. That way anything that burns out while firing (binders, adhesives, fiber papers, etc.) will not stink up your house.]

At 800ºF, there was visible smoking.

At 920ºF, there is no visible smoke, but I could smell the adhesive burning off and see brown on the kiln shelf.

After 45 minutes at hold temp (1000ºF), I could no longer see any carbon burnout on the piece or kiln shelf. The frit has not dropped from the glass to the shelf.
After the firing was complete, the adhesive in the center of the plate had obviously not burned off. The frit on the edges of the plate can be tapped off of the glass. (This makes me want to do another experiment to see how well the frit holds on to the plate after burning off the adhesive...that's for another post...)

[NOTE: The plate is placed directly on a kiln-washed shelf with no fire paper. The clear glass on top of all the frit is preventing the adhesive from burning out in the center. It would be much quicker to burn off the adhesive if the glass base were on the bottom and the frit on top. However, I need to get the adhesive to burn out and release my frit onto the kiln shelf, so I can replace the clear glass with compatible System 96 glass! This means that it's taking longer for me to burn out the adhesive than it would under normal circumstances (frit on top of sheet glass in the kiln).]

Second attempt firing schedule:
300ºF per hour1000ºF1.30

The adhesive has fully burned off after 4.5 hours in the kiln and
three successive low temperature firings.
At this point, I decided to try the second firing schedule again. Why? Well, I don't want to raise my top temperature any further. If I creep up towards 1100ºF, my glass base will start to distort and slump into the frit, and my hope is to salvage that piece to create a different dogwood plate. I figured that another long hold at 1000ºF will help to get that adhesive out from under the glass in the center of the plate. Guess what?!?  After the third burnout attempt, SUCCESS! Full burnout of adhesive. The frit is still stuck to the plate in places, but can be tapped off, mostly.

Third attempt at burnout firing schedule:

300ºF per hour1000ºF1.30

The frit that has been tapped off of the clear glass and salvaged on the kiln shelf.

The frit design has been saved on my shelf so I can now prep a clear piece of System 96 glass to cap it with!
This is the frit that was still hanging on the clear piece of glass!
Can you believe the adhesive is still working after all of that?!?
I wasn't able to tap off all of the frit. The adhesive has fully burnt out, but the frit is still sticking together. It did come off of the plate when I wiped it clean, but I just trashed the bits that didn't transfer to the shelf. Below, you can see where I added additional frit to the design to fill in the gaps (aiming for the magical 6mm thickness that glass wants to be at a full fuse).

Take two...(or is it four?)...I've added a clear sheet of Spectrum to
cap the frit that was left on my kiln shelf.

I prepped another sheet of glass, this time using the proper glass: Spectrum clear with Glassline paints.
Full fuse number one...success-ish!
After a full fuse, the plate has a few divots (not to be confused with devit = devitrification; because there's none of that), plus I want to add more depth.

Time to add more depth and detail to the top side of this design
with coarse frits and a No Days Powder Wafer.
Plus, clear frit to even out the thickness of the glass.
There are areas where the thickness of the glass wasn't 1/4," so I added some clear frit to fill in the divots. Also, I wanted more of those embroidery "French knot stitches" and added bits of coarse frit for detail. Then, because the middle was still lacking, I decided to add a No Days Powder Wafer. Uh...what's that? It's still a secret! But, watch for details in the next few months. Oh! And you can sign up for Jacqui Bush's Vegas class to get a jump start on the technique, too!

I'm on a roll! Time to get these projects fired and finished!
For the finishing full fuse, I loaded the kiln with two other projects I've been waiting to fire.
The plate on the lower left is ready for it's first firing. It was also built entirely of frit on clear with No Days Liquid Fusing Adhesive. 90 COE exclusively... I did not have to fire it several times to facilitate full burnout of the adhesive because the clear piece of glass is on the bottom of the frit. This means the adhesive can escape straight up and out of the piece, unlike the previous pictures of the dogwood plate where the adhesive had to escape beneath the clear glass to the edges before burning off.
Also, notice the addition to my kiln shelf of fire paper. Firing on fire paper ensures that any air between the kiln shelf and the plate has a chance to escape, meaning that I get no big, unexpected bubbles bursting through the top of my plates!

Ahhh! What a feeling! Finally finished, well, except for the slump.

Tada! Full fused again and ready to slump. This particular mold is the Round Rippled Drop Out Mold from Slumpy's. I've been really into using drop-out molds against the kiln shelf to make nice flat-bottomed plates. Flat-bottomed plates make my slumping world go 'round...or something like that ;)

Post-slump firing in a drop out mold from Slumpy's.

Wow! You made it all the way to the bottom and the end of my saga! Hope you were able to follow along without too much confusion. However, if you've got questions, I'd love to hear them and see if I can't answer them, as well :) Leave a comment on the blog and I'll do my best to answer!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Making No Days Mosaic Night Lights

Tools & Materials:
  • glass base - can be a circle, square, rectangle of plate glass or stained glass (textured stained glass adds a nice look)
  • scrap glass, tiles, millefiori, etc.
  • mosaic nippers
  • circle cutting system (if you're going to cut circles, this is the easiest solution aside from buying them)
  • glass grinder
  • safety glasses
  • standard heat gun or embossing heat tool
  • long tweezers
  • night light hardware
  • sanded grout : container to mix it in, water, gloves, paper towels (You can use No Days Groutless Mosaic Adhesive to skip this step, but you may need to use a different adhesive for gluing the bail, or come up with a creative jig for holding the clip.)

    To make a No Days Mosaic Night Light, start by cutting a piece of glass for the base of your mosaic. I’m using a Toyo circle cutter with Spectrum’s System 96 clear glass, which cuts and breaks easily leaving a nice flat surface for building your mosaic on. Set the circle cutter to the radius of the circle you want to cut & center it on your glass. Make sure that there are no obstacles in the way of the bar before pressing down and scoring the glass. When you return to the start of the score, stop turning the cutter head. You only want to score once. Square off your circle, removing any excess glass.

    Next, place the breaking button from the Morton Safety Break System under the scoreline on the glass and use the running tool to push down on top of the line. Make sure you’re holding the running tool perpendicular to your score. Start your score in a corner so there’s less chance of the score running to the edge of your glass. Press with gentle but firm pressure until you see a score start to run. Rotate your glass, placing the edge of the run on top of the button and press down with the running tool again. Repeat until your score line meets itself at the other side of the circle.

    Now, score some release cuts from the edge of the glass almost to the circle score lines. Do this on four sides of the glass, then gently break the scores.

    After cutting the glass base, it’s time to get on the grinder and soften up the sharp edges of the glass so that no one gets cut picking up the night light. Using a glass grinder with water, shape the glass if needed and remove sharp edges by grinding on an angle. If you're unsure of how to do this, find a local stained glass shop and they'll show you what you need to do.

    Make sure to wear safety glasses while grinding and prevent glass bits from flying at your face with a splash guard.

    Dry the base piece of glass and cut a piece of No Days Mosaic Adhesive the size of your glass base.

    Nip various bits of glass or follow a pattern and cover your glass substrate (base). When you've got it filled in, leaving some room for grout lines, you're ready to heat set the No Days Mosaic Adhesive.

    Working on a heatproof surface, use a standard heat gun to heat the mosaic from 8-10” away, which helps to prevent the glass pieces from being blown away by the force of the hot air. As the adhesive liquefies, some of the mosaic bits may move around. While the mosaic is still hot, use your tweezers to nudge the pieces into place. If you need to add extra pieces, make sure to heat them so that they firmly adhere. Then, let the mosaic cool and assemble your grouting station.

    Gather grout, a mixing cup, water, and gloves. When your mosaic has cooled, it's ready to grout. Mix unsanded grout with a very little bit of water, adding more until you get to the consistency of toothpaste or peanut butter. Wipe the grout across the surface of your mosaic so that it gets in between all of the tiles. Pull it around the edges of the mosaic, too. Scrape the excess grout off of the surface of the mosaic, then let it sit for about 10 minutes. Using a damp sponge, wipe across the surface of the mosaic to remove the grout from on top of the tiles turning the sponge to a clean side with each pass. Again, let the mosaic sit for 10 minutes, then buff with a dry paper towel or rag to remove any haze.

    Wait another 10 minutes before gluing the night light clip to the backside of your mosaic. Cut a small length of No Days Mosaic Adhesive. Place a few layers of the adhesive film on the back of the night light where you want to attach the clip.

    Working on the heatproof surface, turn the heat gun on and have tweezers out to hold onto the clip while heating it. It’s important to heat the glass base long enough to get it hot to the touch in order to ensure a good bond. Don’t worry about your mosaic pieces falling out. The grout and adhesive should hold them firmly in place while you heat. Let your mosaic cool down, and then check to see that the clip is firmly attached. If it pulls off, then it wasn’t heated long enough. Reheat and try again, pushing excess adhesive out from between the glass base and clip.

    Attach your nightlight hardware together securely, then plug it in, turn it on and enjoy!

    For more project ideas and instructional videos, visit
    For ordering information or help with questions, email

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pacific Artglass' 9th Annual Glassfest and a new mosaic sign

Pacific Artglass' new No Days Mosaic Entrance sign

Every year, Pacific Artglass in Gardena, California hosts a spectacular event, GlassFest, a weekend filled with fun, food, demonstrations, prizes, workshops...whew! It's a glass-lovers' dream!
Leigh is always smiling!

This year, artist extraordinaire, Leigh Adams joined the mix to demo No Days products AND create a new mosaic sign for the entrance of Pacific Artglass using No Days Mosaic Adhesive.
Leigh recruited her "Mosaic Mafia" mosaic fiends to help with her cause.
Heat setting the pieces in place and getting ready to grout.

The lovely ladies that made the sign possible!

Pacific Artglass' John Williams lends a smile and a hug.

Monday, November 18, 2013

2014 Glass Craft & Bead Expo ~ Frit Wafers in the Oven with Jacqui Bush

Frit Wafers created using Jacqui's special No Days technique
Join No Days Artist and Instructor Jacqui Bush at the 2014 Glass Craft & Bead Expo on Saturday, March 29 from 8 am - 4 pm for an exciting new fusing technique for creating quick frit (& powder) wafers for fusing.

SA_24 - Frit Wafers in the Oven
What?!?! No Fusing!!!!! Yes, you heard correctly. Frit wafers in the oven. Tired of trying to get frit where you want it to go? Tired of the mess when you breath on your project or try to spray it with hair spray? Tired on the time it takes to fuse the frit wafer then fuse your project? Wouldn't it be easier if you could quickly make a frit wafer, that isn’t fragile, and place it on your glass and then fuse it? Or make a bunch at one time and then create your project without waiting on the kiln? YOU CAN!!! These wafers are very sturdy and travel well - unlike the wafers you create on a kiln shelf. You will also learn other techniques for working with frits, powders and enamels that take all of the frustration out of being able to transport them. You will make several frit wafers and create two 4 x 4 fused tiles using 2 different techniques. Come see what you can do with your oven besides cooking dinner. Hobby Knife, dust mask, copies of designs, stencils, drawings, etc that you might be interested in using . Contact instructor for more information if needed.

Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Jacqui Bush took her first copper foil class in 1997 and hasn't looked back. From flat glass to warm glass, and silver art clay to enamels, her classes and experimenting continue. In 2004, she could no longer resist the call of the glass and left her career in technology to open a studio. She has a contagious passion for glass in all its forms and loves to share it with others through teaching and demonstrating. Some of her favorite places to share glass art in all its glory include: local schools (K-12), colleges, Historic Living History Day demonstrations at a local century-old village, city festivals, Library openings, and anywhere she can. One of the most rewarding, and popular activities, are her frequent "Teach the Teacher" workshops and her many students, aged 4 to 94. Jacqui is certified in the Unique Glass paints, a member of AGA, RAGS, and is on the Board of Directors for the KBW Education Foundation. Learn more about Jacqui on her website: Stained Glass of McKinney.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Q&A Monday ~ Vertical Mount Mosaic with Mesh

Subject: mosaic product question
I an interested in doing some mosaic work on  concrete wall outside. Is there a product that would work well for this? It needs to be able to withstand winter and hot summer conditions as I am located in KS.
Thank you,

No Days Mosaic Mesh allows you to build your mosaic on a horizontal
surface and then mount your mosaic vertically using thinset or mortar.

 Hi, S ~
The best way to approach the work you want to do would be to build your mosaic on mesh and then mount on the wall using an appropriate thinset / mortar.
Our No Days Mosaic Mesh has a heat set adhesive that holds the tiles to the mesh while you're building the mosaic. When the pieces are set in place, then you use thinset to attach it to the wall.
We have a YouTube channel and there's a quick video on the process here:
There's an artist that uses our mesh all the time on installations and she likes to place and then heat set the tiles on the mesh. After the tiles cool down, she butters the back of the mosaic with a thin layer of thinset, which helps to stabilize the mosaic and makes it easy to install.
Hope this helps,

Mosaic insert on stone bench, made using No Days Mosaic Mesh.

No Days Instructor and Support
Carrie Strope Sohayda

Hi, there! Carrie, here...

Not only do I travel the country teaching folks how to use No Days adhesives (and other techniques), but I also answer customer support emails about using No Days. So, if you're having an issue with the adhesives, chances are good that I'll be answering your questions!
Since I get so many good questions, I thought it might be a great learning opportunity for people that may be having some of the same issues but haven't thought to email us. Don't worry, I'll keep the emails anonymous!

Also, don't forget that we've got a lot of really fabulous videos (I put those together, too...) on our YouTube channel. So for those of you who are visual learners (umm...we're visual artists, right?), you may want to check them out!

If you've got questions, feel free to contact us at

Monday, October 28, 2013

No Days Road Show ~ Stained Glass Design - Mount Dora, Florida

The front window of Rosemarie's shop, Stained Glass Design.
Rosemarie's Glamor Shot, modeling bags of Slumpy's Carolina Frit!
Getting started on glueFOIL mosaics...One of my favorite things
about classes is seeing all of the different ideas and designs that
everyone comes up with. Everyone's got such a unique style!

Heat setting the glueFOIL mosaic picture frames.
We're using ceiling tiles to heat on, which fume a bit (hence the mask in the middle).
The No Days doesn't fume or off-gas. It's non-toxic!
Student pieces...on the left, a dragonfly glueFOIL mosaic;
on the right, a gorgeous autumn tree on No Days Mosaic Mesh.

Student pieces...on the right, an abstract, geometric glueFOIL mosaic;
on the left, an abstract design on No Days Mosaic Mesh.

Heat setting the mesh mosaics in class.
Students took their mosaics home to mount them with mortar.

Heat setting the mesh mosaics in class.
Students took their mosaics home to mount them with mortar.

Getting ready for some fun with No Days Mosaic Mesh! Can you tell?

Piecing together stained glass on mesh.

Talking designs and getting inspired by the glass.

Finished student designs on No Days Mosaic Mesh.
Definitely an artistic bunch, pushing the limits of mosaics!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Linda's No Days Mosaics

Linda's beautiful garden bench
We love it when you share your projects with us! It's so inspiring to see the creativity that all of our No Days family members (that's you!) possess. Here are some photos that Linda shared with us...

Linda's Gorgeous Groutless Mosaic Upcycled Chair
"I used  No Days Mosaic Adhesive on this project. I use it on almost all my projects. I have also used the Groutless Mosaic Adhesive. I like taking old things and making them look beautiful. I am going to attach a few other pictures to show you. The chair I am sending you was made with the Groutless because I felt grout would not last in that area." 
Linda's Mosaic Mailbox
"I love doing glass on glass. I still have not been able to keep bubbles from showing, but when I use the right glass very little shows. I am not able to put my glass on glass in the oven because of the size of the pieces. I have seen the work of others that you have put online and I think mine is so simple compared to some you have shown. I learned how to do stained glass more than 35 years ago. I then raised a family and had a teaching job.  I just retired last year and went to the stepping stone class. I have found something that I love to do again!"  
Linda's Lovely stained glass mosaic recycled window
"Because of No Days Mosaic Adhesive I have tried so many things. There really isn't much more room in my house, I will have to start making things for others! I have decided if I can not sell things, people will start getting them as gifts... I'm not going to stop trying to make things better...Oh, use any picture you like, all was made with No Days Mosaic Adhesive." ~Linda
Linda's wonderful woodland window
Check out more of Linda's creations at Garlin Stained Glass on Facebook!